Holiday Shopping Safety
Personal Insurance and Safety Update
Halloween is over and that means we are in the middle of the holiday season. During the next 60 days, we will all be busy shopping, eating out, and traveling. Thieves know that the police are overloaded during the holiday season, and they take full advantage it. Burglars know that there are many expensive items in homes and cars during the holidays.
Your home or renter’s insurance will provide coverage for theft or loss if you have the coverage. Now would be a good time to call us for a free personal insurance review. Whether you are holiday shopping at the mall, online, or a little of both, keeping yourself and your personal information safe is important. Here are a few holiday shopping safety tips:
Holiday Shopping Safety
Always be aware of your surroundings.
Lock your shopping bags in your trunk.
Never allow children to make unaccompanied trips to the restroom.
Never leave car doors unlocked or windows open.
Always park in lighted areas. DO NOT park in remote areas.
Shop with a friend.
Teach your child to go to a store clerk and ask for help in case your child is separated from you.
Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.
Keep receipts in your wallet or purse.
Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
As you return to your car, make sure to keep your car key in your hand.